Monday, November 30, 2009

Link to My New Blog and a Preview

Hello all,

Here is a link to my new blog: Money Isn't Everything - The Journey

I would also like to give you a sneak peek, so here is the first post of that blog.

The Beginning

Well, I have done it. I have finally decided that I am going to work from home. I am going to make a full time living by doing what I love to do best...write.

For those of you who have read my other blogs, you know that I have struggled for the last couple of years with jobs and bosses and my own identity and desires. I am through with all of that. Finally, the realization has hit home that money is not everything. It does not matter if my paycheck is twice the size of any paycheck I have ever received....if I am not happy.

I have not been happy. I have not been happy for a very long time. In fact, I would probably go as far as saying that I have been miserable with my life for about the last six years...since my mother died. Now, don't get me wrong, I will never regret doing the things I had to do after she passed or taking the road that I had to take. But now it is time that I take my own that will hopefully lead to the happiness that I have been unable to find for so long.

It is odd to look back at the person I was before her death and the person I am now and see the differences. Some of those differences are good, but I also see that a lot of them are not. That is not what I want in my life.

So this is the beginning. The beginning of my search for the happiness I lost so many years ago...

I hope you take the time to read it!


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