Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday Tantrums

Okay, I got this one from Kelly over at Green Olives & Pickle Juice. This is a GREAT idea! LOL! Especially with the Tuesday I am having!
This icon says it all....she is EVIL INCARNATE! All she has done all freaking day is yell at me! OVER AND OVER AND OVER! And I can't say a freaking word back to her without her her saying "Why the F*** are you doing that, Cassey?! Don't F***ING question me! Just F***ING do it!" "STOP being confrontational with me, Cassey, that is SO disrespectful!" UGH! I am SO tired of it! I have NEVER in my entire LIFE been told that I am confrontational! I am a DOOR MAT! I always have been! But to my boss, if she says "Are you stapling that together??!!?!" and I say "No, I am just stacking it so I can clip it and put it in the file.", THAT is confrontational to her! SHE IS DRIVING ME CRAZY!!!!!
Now, my sister. *sigh* My sister. I love the fact that she still feels like she should call me if something is wrong. And I love the fact that she knows she CAN call me. But WHY does she call me, tell me what is wrong, ask me what to do, then IGNORE every word I say to her?!?!?!?! What the hell good does it do her to call me if she isn't going to listen to my advice?! She is honestly going to drive me insane one day, I can see it coming! I want to grab her and just SHAKE her! LOL! And she is "grown" now (19) so it's not considered child abuse anymore if I do it! LOLOL!
Then, as if my stress level wasn't high enough, we have my new extended family that I just found out about when I found my biological father. First of all, he was on hospice since September, and no one felt the urge to let me know that information. Second, he passed away, and no one told me for over 24 hours! THEN, when my step-sister finally DID call me, she left a PISSY voicemail saying "Cassey, I just wanted to let you know that MY daddy died last night." Notice the capital MY? Yeah, I noticed it, too. THEN, they decided that I didn't need to be informed of when the funeral was! It was last Friday....and I didn't find out until Thursday, and do you know HOW I found out? KELLY called my step-sister to see if they knew when and where it was going to be so she could send flowers!
Okay, I think I am done now. I have ranted and raved and gotten it all out of my system....hopefully that's all of it! LOL! Thanks for listening!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

i hate it when people ask my advice and then do they exact opposite.


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