Monday, January 26, 2009

Not Me Monday! and some ranting worries...

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Okay, everyone, I am new to this whole "Not Me Monday" stuff, but it sounds like a great idea, so here I am, giving it my best shot!

I did NOT spend most of Sunday in bed after church, instead of unpacking my house and doing laundry!

I did NOT lay my head on my desk at work on Saturday and take a short nap while Kelly (Green Olives & Pickle Juice) finished her work so we could leave!

I ABSOLUTELY did NOT have Kelly call my step-sister last week to find out about my dad's funeral arrangements because I knew if I talked to her it would turn into a SCREAMING match!

I did NOT sit in my bed last night reading a book and eating vanilla ice cream......then cheeto's and ketchup.....then popcorn......I would NEVER do that, even though I was having a REALLY bad night!

And I did NOT (nor would I EVER) think bad, evil, horrible thoughts about my boss when I realized last night that I would have to go BACK to work this morning......nope.....those thoughts were not coming out of MY head!!!

*sigh* more.....I did NOT just get a text message from my future sister-in-law asking me to babysit....and I did NOT just try to think of a lie to get out of it......but *sigh* I WILL be babysitting tonight......I just am NOT in the mood to do this.....but I can't say no....that sucks....

Oooh Monday Pictures, Images and Photos

This is how I feel today. This is what this Monday has done to me.

Today is the first day of the last week of January. At work, for the Month of January I am supposed to close four loans. If I close four loans, I get a bonus. My bonus this month is in the form of $500 to use towards a trip to go see my Ryan. My Ryan, whom I haven't seen since the last time I talked here in my blog about going to see him. It's been at LEAST six months. And this month was looking pretty good for us as far as closing the loans goes.....unfortunately, everything has just jumped in the trashcan and set itself on fire. We have already closed two loans, and we have one that I KNOW will close this week. Unfortunately, that fourth one....the one that HAS to close for me to get my bonus.....just might not. EVERYTHING is falling apart on this one....and granted, it IS going to close. I WILL have all the stuff for it TO close....but there is a HUGE possibility that it is NOT going to close this week. Which means that it will close in February, not January, which means I will NOT get my four this month, which means I will NOT get that bonus! Because even if it closes February FIRST, my boss will use that against me as far as my bonus goes.


This has been a bad month.


Melissa said...

im sorry its been a bad month for u

Major.Sunshine said...

I did NOT spend all morning at work putting together my playlist. And I most certainly did NOT sit on my butt while Prince Charming cooked dinner even though I could have been cleaning something... anything... I wouldn't do that.


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