Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Update on car and job....

Written on Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Okay, so as for the car situation....I had the man at Just Brakes put my car back together and I had it towed to a mechanic's shop that has been recommended to me several times. The man said he would look at it today and let me know what he thinks. Honestly, I wish he would call me and say "look, your car is on it's last pinkie toe, but I have a friend who is trying to sell his car, and he will let you make payments on it. I have checked it out, and it's a really reliable car." That would be nice. I would WAY rather put the money into BUYING a car than into fixing my old car. But... unfortunately, while I was writing this, he called. And that is NOT what he said. BUT, it is a little better than what the Just Brakes guy said. He said it IS going to cost a lot, but he is willing to work with me on paying it out. He said that if I could pay for the parts up front, then he would let me pay the rest out over the next couple of months. WHOO HOO! Of course, I would just rather have a new car, lol...but it doesn't look like that is going to happen right now. So I just have to grin and bear it, right? :-)

You know, I really wish that I was more mechanically inclined. It would be GREAT to be able to do all my own stuff to my car. Then I wouldn't have to pay ANYONE to work on it, I could just do it myself! That would be AWESOME! I just can't see myself being a "gear head", though! I mean, while I think it would be GREAT to HAVE THE ABILITY to do that....not to mention the DESIRE to do it.....I just don't see myself doing it! LOL! For as long as I can remember, I have been a girly girl. I don't like to get my hands or clothes dirty. I don't like to mess my fingernails up. I am SOOO uninterested in how cars run, as long as they DO run! I remember when I was a little girl, my step-dad used to make me hold the flashlight for him while he was fixing his truck or car (whichever he happened to have that day. He was big on trading one vehicle for another with his friends.) and I was so excited because I felt like I was getting at least a little positive attention from him as long as I held that flashlight still. So I would concentrate and do the best "hold the flashlight still" job I could do! I even learned how to make the appropriate responses when a guy is working on a car and is talking about this part and that part! Unfortunately, I still do that....and now, just like back then, my mind is in a WHOLE other place, no matter how many awesome comments I make in response. He also taught me how to check my fluids and how to change a tire. But, I ask you, WHAT girl wants to check her own fluids or changer her own tire?!?! Definitely not THIS one! So, instead, I am going to pay this mechanic to do it, and hopefully my car will last until I can get a new one. Everybody cross your fingers!!! :-)

As for the JOB update...I keep having to remind myself how important our work is...how many people depend on it...what a good thing we are doing for the cancer nursing profession...then something else happens that I get bitched at about...well, it could be worse, I guess....in one of those countries that still have slavery.....or those places with the sweat shops....

Yes, I am exaggerating, but not too much. Today my boss has really irritated me. I was SOOO close to just saying "look, if you want me to leave this job, then I will....but you need to tell me and quit nit picking and badgering me!!!"

1 comment:

Terri said...

I hope your car is fixed soon and I hope they stop hounding you at work, especially if you like the job itself...

Happy Thanksgiving!



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